Today's post is prompted by this cringe-worthy misspelling "greatfull". It is wrong on 2 counts. Regular readers of this blog will know that when full is tagged on to another word it becomes -ful; so wrong ending, but also wrong root. Grateful has nothing to do with great or greatness but everything to do with gratitude. Italian "grazie" for thank you is in the same word family.
It often surprises me that people do not make the connection between words such as grateful and gratitude.
Test yourself
Can you think of the noun that is related to each of the following adjectives? By that I mean a word from the same family. For example
happy - happinessangry - angerelegant - elegance
- beautiful
- mysterious
- clean
- wide
- hot
- young
- proud
- high
- jealous
- relieved
- fragile
- nutritious
- equal
- unequal
- antique
- beautiful beauty
- mysterious mystery
- clean cleanliness
- wide width
- hot heat
- young youth (youngster is also a noun)
- proud pride
- high height
- jealous jealousy
- relieved relief
- fragile fragility
- nutritious nutrition
- equal equality
- unequal inequality
- antique antiquity
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