These 2 are quite tricky and I've tried to keep it simple with the most common usages.
(i) effect - the noun meaning an end result
(i) effect - the noun meaning an end result
cause and effectwhat effect did x have on y?the effect of the gulf stream on our climate
sound effectsit had the opposite effecthis personal effects
(ii) affect, on the other hand, is a verb meaning to have an influence on
she was badly affected by the death of her father
the poor summer weather will affect sales of ice cream
It is easy to see why confusion can arise: when an action affects something, it produces an effect.
(iii) another meaning of to affect and have an affectation ls the idea of putting on airs
he affected an American accent
a childish affectation
he had military affectations although he had never been in the services
so EFFECT is a noun and AFFECT is a verb
affect is never a noun
(iv) but effect can be a verb in the sense to bring about change
he effected changes in working practices
almost always it will be effective
effective - the adjective meaning having the intended effect
is this treatment effective?
affective is only a psychological term as in
Seasonal Affective Disorder
affected / effected?
Most often it will be affected. This is frequently done incorrectly. Same rules (ii) and (iv) apply as for affect the verb and effect the verb.
affected means impacted upon
effected means brought about, produced
we won't be affected
the worst affected areas
reforms will be effected immediately
Test yourself
- with immediate …………
- the suspension would take ………… from Saturday
- the storms may ………… ferry sailings
- the new boss is not having much …………
- were you ……………ed by the power cut last night
- ………………ive measures were taken to prevent another accident
- with immediate effect (noun)
- the suspension would take effect (noun) from Saturday
- the storms may affect (verb) ferry sailings
- the new boss is not having much effect (noun)
- were you affected (impacted upon) by the power cut last night
- effective measures were taken to prevent another accident
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