Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Passed or past?

I haven't been posting here lately, busy with other things,  but I have been spurred to by reading a glossy publication of walks in my area. While it is generally well written, the author clearly has no idea of the difference between past and passed.

OK, both sound the same.

The -ed on passed should give a clue that this is a verb and indeed the past tense of the verb.

I passed an accident on the way here.

Past is a preposition

Go past the shops, then turn left.


I passed the church. I passed by the church.  ( both have the same meaning)
I walked past the church.  ( same meaning as above but the first could be in a vehicle)

We passed a farm.
The route runs past a farm.

The route continues along the river bank, past the football ground …  (you could say passing the football ground)