emotive and emotional are not interchangeable
emotive is used to describe issues which are sensitive or controversial
emotive language is when words are chosen to excite emotions and are used frequently in newspaper reports
eg "slaughtered" is a more emotive word than "killed"
This headline regarding photos of a model with a bruised eye:
Phtotographer behind emotive pictures of Glee start Heather Morris issues an apology. The photo shoot caused much controversy …
This advice about when not to use email:
avoid emotive topics – like appraisals or requests for a pay rise. These are far better dealt with face-to-face.
The issues of the sectarian and offensive singing both by Celtic and
Rangers supporters and Green Brigade's poppy protest predictably proved
the most emotive subjects raised during Celtic's AGM.
compare -
emotional is used to describe people's feelings, often sad ones
an emotional day eg at a wedding or funeral
she was emotional means she was in tears or on the verge of tears
eg the headline "Angelina Jolie gets emotional at awards ceremony"